YouTuber's talent
Surfing in YouTube has been something like a routine for me to do daily, i always like to check out new videos, anything that's funny, unique, weird or even new!
One of my favourites are to find those talented singers that post their covers on YouTube, i have utmost respect to them, so much guts n courage to do it! But if i knew i have that talent, i would too, lol. Anyway if you have been reading my blog, you notice i'm loving Eminem's new album and tracks that has been released so far, no one can cover him, because he's the best there is. So i have seen this video by talented Tyler Ward ( another YouTube subscriber covering Eminem Feat. Rihanna - Love the way you lie track.
It's really nice, so why not share it with you guys~ Enjoy
(He's the guitarist for this cover, but do check out his page, he has done a lot of great covers)
I have regretted pre-ordering the Manchester United home kit through the official website store online :( It's been god knows how many days and weeks since they confirm me the dispatch, and still no sign to be arriving here just yet...
I have been sending a few emails lately, and they have confirmed me by the 3rd of August if i have not received my package (Which i doubt they will by now) They will issue a refund or i can request a re-send again, they will probably use the express delivery that will only take "3days" I have not thought about which i would prefer, a resend or refund? Reasons because i would still save RM100+ which the badge/name/numberings, and i am not sure if Malaysia still would have the size S and i have to drive all the way down to IMBI plaza in KL for the printing, which not definitely have in stock too.......... So i will try to request a new name & numbering if they could, after all i think it's something least they could do to satisfy their customer :D
The new name & numbering would be, Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez of Mexico! He's 21 years of age, just join United this season, a really bright future talented young lad! He already wowed alot of people at the world cup, and plus he just scored on his debut yesterday against the MLS All Star! His nickname "Chicharito" means "Little Pea" yes a small green pea! LoL how cute =D
Here he is in Manchester United, debut! :D
The little pea getting mobbed by his team-mates after scoring!
The kit i would like to have now :D
2months & Counting!

Oh dear lord, i can't wait to get my ass here :)
September 14-21st, my baby's and i first getaway from the havoc city !
Destination: ? (Top Secret for now) LoL, the pictures are just mind fucking blowing? Tell me about it! HEHEHEHEHE
A MUST SEE during our dives:-
2) Manta Ray
*dreaming away now****************
On being ambitious
My professor in one of my major subjects told us that ambitions can take you places. The higher your ambition, the likely you'll achieve greatness.
That advice fueled my determination to dream big and achieve greatness. HAHAHAHA. If you're close to me, you may already know how eager am I to become an exchange student, there are plenty of opportunities for me to become one (if I really want to) but since I've been studying in college for the longest time ever (lolz), I decided to not pursue my dream.
My prof talked about MS programs abroad and the process to secure a scholarship if you want one. First you gotta be at the top 5 or 10% of your class, now that's not easy, but I believe that if you're determined, then you can make it.
That leads me into thinking, why not try and achieve that feat? I mean, I want to have my masters (but I'll work first), and I want to have it abroad, as in seriously. Where to? SPAIN. LMAO. IKR?
As we have language electives at school, I first took Italian (because I was not fortunate enough to get Korean), and I was thinking if I should take Japanese next, but then it changed to the idea of taking French (someone told me it will be useful in my field), and now I'm 100% sure that I'll take Spanish. I hope this decision won't change. And I'm hoping my dream of going to Spain will come true someday (+ Spain is sort of historical right? History has a special place in my heart).
That advice fueled my determination to dream big and achieve greatness. HAHAHAHA. If you're close to me, you may already know how eager am I to become an exchange student, there are plenty of opportunities for me to become one (if I really want to) but since I've been studying in college for the longest time ever (lolz), I decided to not pursue my dream.
My prof talked about MS programs abroad and the process to secure a scholarship if you want one. First you gotta be at the top 5 or 10% of your class, now that's not easy, but I believe that if you're determined, then you can make it.
That leads me into thinking, why not try and achieve that feat? I mean, I want to have my masters (but I'll work first), and I want to have it abroad, as in seriously. Where to? SPAIN. LMAO. IKR?
As we have language electives at school, I first took Italian (because I was not fortunate enough to get Korean), and I was thinking if I should take Japanese next, but then it changed to the idea of taking French (someone told me it will be useful in my field), and now I'm 100% sure that I'll take Spanish. I hope this decision won't change. And I'm hoping my dream of going to Spain will come true someday (+ Spain is sort of historical right? History has a special place in my heart).
Manchester United 2010-2011 Kit

There it is, the new Manchester United 2010/2011 home kit ! I have pre-ordered it even before the design was shown, but like what my girlfriend said, even if its ugly, i will slowly grow to love it just like the last kit with the (V) shape at the chest lol!
So smart ass me went on to order and they finally dispatched it on the 12th of July (launch day is on the 15th) I was hoping to be one of the first in M'sia to have the jersey, but nooooooope up til today it's hasn't arrived :( I hope it comes by today (Friday) !! If i don't get it by today, it will most likely be next week, ZzzZzZz !!
The good part about ordering it online would be 1) I save at least RM120-150 because of the printing and badge that were given for free (promo during the time i buy) 2) It's directly officially printed from the United store in England !
WCG Weekend
Finally the week has ended, it was one hell of a tiring 3days, but we had so much fun together. I finally felt the competition feeling again, been missing it for 4years!!
Of course we did not enter with much high hopes, many old players that still recognize us was in shock to see us there let alone participating! But amazingly we could still pull off some good moments in the tournament. Besides playing WCG Counterstrike tournament, we also did participate a small exhibition tournament called "Counterstrike Legends" and a few of us also did join the 1 vs 1 railing tournament. It was held by our ex sponsor boss Mike, it was very good to see him too! Before we left on the final day, he went up to us and said how he missed those times where we were always seeing each other in the cafe or holding the cyber cafe name up as our sponsor, good old times.
This are the results of all the games we played the last 3 days:-
WCG Qualifiers:
Semi Finals :
BBL > NBTD : 16-9
3rd & 4th place :
NBTD > ? (i forgot their team name rofl) : 16-6
WCG Finals:
TYT > NBTD : 16-9
We then got eliminated after losing to TYT (Trust your Teammates)
WCG Legend tournament:
Semi Finals :
NBTD > Singaporeans : 16-5
Finals :
NBTD > NO : 16-16 (Overtime 4-1)
We won RM300, and a few other prizes in the goodie bags. LoL, as for the 1on1 tournament i do not remember the scores because there were quite alot of opponents, so i'll just post the final results.
1st- Mohd "Jings" Nazrin
2nd- Ahmad "StRyKeR_X" Azrin
3rd- Nicholas "bAbydiNo`" Ong
During the semi finals, i allowed Nasu to walkover as i know i will definitely lose to him in a 1on1 railing map, but we also then decided to split the cash and prizes since we were gonna win all 3 prize =) A total of RM500, split among 3, not too bad? LoL I bought myself a Steelseries Merc keyboard after that! A little weird using it, but the buttons are soft and nice to type, its sooner or later i will get used to it =) I also went home with a Samsung B2230 wide screen LCD! I bought it for RM499, it was a real good deal for a 21.5 inch screen, i am so happy with it!! Watching HD movies on it is so unreal haha =D
Before i end my post, i do would like to thank my friends for allowing me to have another once in a lifetime opportunity on how gaming was like again. I am sorry if i yelled at you or even went a little hard, everything stays in the game, and i am glad we 5 played together!
-NBTD- bAbydiNo`
-NBTD- Jings
-NBTD- NoName`
-NBTD- Yahooo
-Nothing better to Do till i die-
Sergio Ramos ♥
First of all, pardon me for the post below (this will be an account of how I came to like Sergio Ramos). I'm doing this post because I do not want to forget how I first saw Ramos and what was my impression of him. Why? I think I'm becoming a huge fan :)
July 12, 2010.
I was supposed to leave my house at around 9 am because it takes 3 hours time to travel from my house to my dormitory (and I have to be there at 12 and also I have an exam by 2pm).
I was all geared up to leave but at the last moment I turned on the TV in hope of catching a glimpse of the news, so okay basically there wasn't any news that time, so I tried looking at all the channels, and I happened to see a replay of the Final's Match between Spain and the Netherlands.
An hour before that happened, I went online and saw that Spain had one, I never really watched football, and I don't like it because all they ever do was to kick around and scoring was difficult, I was not even interested in the World Cup even if a lot of my friends were crazy about it. When I checked on my FB wall, I noticed that a lof of my friends were including Torres on their status, so I then concluded that the guy must be hot.
Having that thought, I decided to watch a little bit of the game just to see how Torres looked. And the first one that caught my attention was this dude with the long hair and a headband - would you believe that? I was like "what a guy, ang ewan lang ng itsura"
Looking at his back, I thought he might be Torres 'coz he looked good (that was before I saw the headband), however after I saw his face, I said to myself that he is not Torres, I did not even find him handsome, or even cute at all, I find him irritating because the camera always focuses on him (and I was running out of time since my mom was asking me if I'll be leaving). And so because of that guy being frequently shown, I learned that he is Ramos.
And so the game went on, and still there was no sign of Torres, instead what I always saw was Ramos and his headband. The image was kinda growing of me but I ignored it because my only goal was to see Torres before I leave. My mom was getting impatient, asking me if I was leaving, and I told her a few more minutes, she knew about my wish to see Torres and was side commenting on Espanya's players. A few minutes later, I was getting into the game (the thought of seeing Torres being forgotten) but then I knew that I had to leave, and so I did.
Later that afternoon, I was contemplating on the match, and I learned two things: Football is one hell of a game and second: Ramos has made his impact on me.
Two days later, I surfed the net. And you know what I did first? I searched "Sergio Ramos", why? Because its the first name that came to mind (why wouldn't it? it was his name that I always saw during the game), next thing I did was to search for Fernando Torres (I borrowed all the newspapers that one of my roommates has the previous night so that I could familiarize myself with the players.
The thing is, I opened both Ramos and Torres's profiles, but I decided to see Torres' first (I thought that he should be first because I was worrying that people might see me opening Ramos' first). And what did I learn? Torres and I shares the same birthday!!! How awesome is that? It's like we're meant to be, however he's already married, so I decided right then and there to forget him (haha, how cruel).
Then there was Ramos. I opened his profile and at first there was nothing but still there's something (the feeling's weird), and his birthday's also close to mine.
As the days went by, I was starting to think of Ramos constantly, and then I don't know how it happened, but I learned that I already like him.

After seeing him play, the doubtful like transformed into genuine admiration. In any sport, I don't particularly notice defenders, but in case of S.Ramos, I can't ignore his defenses, he's good or great (as far as my noob football eyes are concerned). And from the articles of him I'd read, he's one of the most dedicated and nicest soccer stars around. Really, what more can anyone ask for??

July 12, 2010.
I was supposed to leave my house at around 9 am because it takes 3 hours time to travel from my house to my dormitory (and I have to be there at 12 and also I have an exam by 2pm).
I was all geared up to leave but at the last moment I turned on the TV in hope of catching a glimpse of the news, so okay basically there wasn't any news that time, so I tried looking at all the channels, and I happened to see a replay of the Final's Match between Spain and the Netherlands.
An hour before that happened, I went online and saw that Spain had one, I never really watched football, and I don't like it because all they ever do was to kick around and scoring was difficult, I was not even interested in the World Cup even if a lot of my friends were crazy about it. When I checked on my FB wall, I noticed that a lof of my friends were including Torres on their status, so I then concluded that the guy must be hot.
Having that thought, I decided to watch a little bit of the game just to see how Torres looked. And the first one that caught my attention was this dude with the long hair and a headband - would you believe that? I was like "what a guy, ang ewan lang ng itsura"
Looking at his back, I thought he might be Torres 'coz he looked good (that was before I saw the headband), however after I saw his face, I said to myself that he is not Torres, I did not even find him handsome, or even cute at all, I find him irritating because the camera always focuses on him (and I was running out of time since my mom was asking me if I'll be leaving). And so because of that guy being frequently shown, I learned that he is Ramos.

Later that afternoon, I was contemplating on the match, and I learned two things: Football is one hell of a game and second: Ramos has made his impact on me.
Two days later, I surfed the net. And you know what I did first? I searched "Sergio Ramos", why? Because its the first name that came to mind (why wouldn't it? it was his name that I always saw during the game), next thing I did was to search for Fernando Torres (I borrowed all the newspapers that one of my roommates has the previous night so that I could familiarize myself with the players.
The thing is, I opened both Ramos and Torres's profiles, but I decided to see Torres' first (I thought that he should be first because I was worrying that people might see me opening Ramos' first). And what did I learn? Torres and I shares the same birthday!!! How awesome is that? It's like we're meant to be, however he's already married, so I decided right then and there to forget him (haha, how cruel).
Then there was Ramos. I opened his profile and at first there was nothing but still there's something (the feeling's weird), and his birthday's also close to mine.
As the days went by, I was starting to think of Ramos constantly, and then I don't know how it happened, but I learned that I already like him.

After seeing him play, the doubtful like transformed into genuine admiration. In any sport, I don't particularly notice defenders, but in case of S.Ramos, I can't ignore his defenses, he's good or great (as far as my noob football eyes are concerned). And from the articles of him I'd read, he's one of the most dedicated and nicest soccer stars around. Really, what more can anyone ask for??
The Treaty Of Tordesillas
The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), a treaty between Spain and Portugal to divide their newly discovered lands outside of Europe, in the process, Spain conquered ME the Philippines.
placed in a new context..
The Treaty of Tordesillas is the competition of Spain and Portugal to win me over, especially between Ramos (Spain) and Ronaldo (Portugal). In this case, Spain won. LMAO. I can dream right?
So what am I being geeky about?
my own history: The first soccer game I watched from beginning to end is the WC game between Spain and Portugal. How awesome can it get? That's a first ;)
The reason why I'm eager to see this game is because of Ramos-Torres-Ronaldo. How exciting can a game be with boys like these on the field? My heart still goes out to Sergio Ramos, no doubt, and to be honest I think my emotions intensified. If you're going to ask me which I'd prefer more: an offensive or a defensive player, I'll go for the defensive one, and I think Ramos is one of the best defenders out there. As in I can't take my eyes off him whenever he's playing (I always focus my attention on his spot).

The picture above made my heart skip! Ramos deflecting Ronaldo. OMG. I don't know a thing about soccer but I think that block (?) was amazing.
I better stop now. :) The thing is, I already love football, a game flies by so fast that you'll yearn for more :D
placed in a new context..
The Treaty of Tordesillas is the competition of Spain and Portugal to win me over, especially between Ramos (Spain) and Ronaldo (Portugal). In this case, Spain won. LMAO. I can dream right?
So what am I being geeky about?

my own history: The first soccer game I watched from beginning to end is the WC game between Spain and Portugal. How awesome can it get? That's a first ;)

The picture above made my heart skip! Ramos deflecting Ronaldo. OMG. I don't know a thing about soccer but I think that block (?) was amazing.
I better stop now. :) The thing is, I already love football, a game flies by so fast that you'll yearn for more :D
*Post World Cup Syndrome.
I am experiencing one.
And I'm not even a football fan (up 'til last week, all I'm familiar with is David Beckham).
However, when I was preparing to go to my dorm last Monday, I happened to catch a replay of the finals (bet. Spain and The Netherlands), and I was so mesmerized that I'd rather watch it than leave my house.
Anyways, I'm sure it's not surprising who I sided with: Spain, no doubt. Why? Because of its players. I know. I know how lowly it may sound, but at least I'm telling the truth. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I was kinda curious to know who Torres was ('coz his name's always on my friends' FB stats), and while watching, I was guessing who he is, but I learned later on that he did not play on that game. So then, I saw Ramos, and though I did not find him handsome, I was attracted to his headband (hahaha, I'm such a weirdo) and now, I think I like him best.
And so what I'm practically doing now is downloading matches where Spain played (not all, but most of it), and I read all the newspapers containing FIFA related news. And guess what? I think I'm gonna be a football fan. WEEE, another sport to get addicted to/to follow (I heart sports)
p.s. how I wished I watched the whole World Cup :( on the bright side, the next cup would happen on 2014, I hope I'd be rich then, so I can go see it live xD

And I'm not even a football fan (up 'til last week, all I'm familiar with is David Beckham).
However, when I was preparing to go to my dorm last Monday, I happened to catch a replay of the finals (bet. Spain and The Netherlands), and I was so mesmerized that I'd rather watch it than leave my house.
Anyways, I'm sure it's not surprising who I sided with: Spain, no doubt. Why? Because of its players. I know. I know how lowly it may sound, but at least I'm telling the truth. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I was kinda curious to know who Torres was ('coz his name's always on my friends' FB stats), and while watching, I was guessing who he is, but I learned later on that he did not play on that game. So then, I saw Ramos, and though I did not find him handsome, I was attracted to his headband (hahaha, I'm such a weirdo) and now, I think I like him best.

p.s. how I wished I watched the whole World Cup :( on the bright side, the next cup would happen on 2014, I hope I'd be rich then, so I can go see it live xD
Now the World Cup is done and dusted expect teams across La Liga to part with some serious cash as they seek to bolster their squads ready for the start of the 2010/2011 season. There had been a few transfers before the South African showpiece, David Villa and Fran Merida among them, with Real Madrid now clicking into gear with the recent signings of Angel Di Maria, Pedro Leon and Sami Khedira. With Barca having signed Adriano from Sevilla and still chasing Cesc Fabregas and Real Madrid in the hunt for Bastian Schweinsteiger and Mesut Ozil there promises to be a few more big money signings before the start of the season. It's been rather quiet on the Sevilla, Atletico and Valencia front, although yesterday did see Valencia part with around €4 million to sign Aritz Aduriz as they seek to replace the unreplaceable, Mr Villa. And of course it's out with the old as we welcome in the new. Thierry Henry has already sealed a move to New York as he winds down his career with Guti (Turkey?) and Raul (United States/Saudi Arabia/Premiership?!) expected to follow suit in the coming days.
A couple of Liga transfers that raised my eyebrows were those of Yaya Toure and David Silva, both off to Manchester City in the Premiership. In the case of David Silva I see it as a total waste of talent. Should have stayed in Spain where they'll nurture that fantastic talent. Many here are likening it to the transfer of Gaizka Mendieta who went to England and his career spiralled out of control. As for Yaya Toure, I had thought they had made a massive blunder letting the big man go, but after the form of Sergio Busquets in the World Cup, I've changed my mind!
A couple of Liga transfers that raised my eyebrows were those of Yaya Toure and David Silva, both off to Manchester City in the Premiership. In the case of David Silva I see it as a total waste of talent. Should have stayed in Spain where they'll nurture that fantastic talent. Many here are likening it to the transfer of Gaizka Mendieta who went to England and his career spiralled out of control. As for Yaya Toure, I had thought they had made a massive blunder letting the big man go, but after the form of Sergio Busquets in the World Cup, I've changed my mind!
Nowhere near as active as the famous Florentino summer of 2009. Will we ever see another summer like it? Doubtful.
In: Leonardo Ulloa (€900k, CD Castellon), Michael Jakobsen, Aalborg BK), Miguel Angel Luque (free, Barcelona), Diego Valeri (loan, FC Porto), Marcelo Silva (€1.3m, Danubio)
Out: Domingo Cosma (Free, Racing Santander), Fernando Soriano (Free, Osasuna), Natalio Lorenzo (free, Tenerife), Guilherme Oliveira (loan, Albacete), David Rodriguez (free, Celta Vigo), Chico (€5m, Genoa)
In: Mikel San Jose (€2.74m, Liverpool), Igor Martinez (€200k, Alaves), Ibai Gomez (Free, Sestao River Club), Xabier Etxeita (Recalled Loan, FC Cartagena), Raul Fernandez (Recalled Loan, Granada CF)
Out: Julen Goni (Loan Signing, Barakaldo CF), Xabier Etxeita (Free, Elche), Iban Zubiaurre (Loan Signing, Albacete), Inaki Munoz (free, FC Cartagena), Ander Murillo (free, Celta Vigo)
In: Fran Merida (free, Arsenal), Mario Suarez (€1.8m, Mallorca), Keko Gontan (Recalled Loan, Valladolid), Roberto Batres (Recalled Loan, Shanghai Shenhua), Filipe Luis (€12m, Deportivo La Coruna), Diego Godin (€8m, Villarreal), Tiago Mendes (loan, Juventus)
Out: Roberto Jimenez (€8.5m, Benfica), Ruben Perez (loan, Deportivo La Coruna), Cedric Mabwati (free, CD Numancia), Jorge Molino (loan, Real Murcia), Leandro Cabrera (loan, Recreativo Huelva), Eduardo Salvio (loan, Benfica), Ibrahima Balde (loan, Albacete), Jurado (€7 Schalke 04)
In: David Villa (€40m, Valencia), Henrique (Recalled Loan, Racing Santander), Adriano (€10m, Sevilla), Javier Mascherano (€17.5m, Liverpool)
Out: Alberto Botia (Free, Sporting Gijon), Yaya Toure (€34m, Manchester City), Dmytro Chygrynskiy (€15m, Shakhtar Donetsk), Keirrison (Loan Signing, Santos FC), Thierry Henry (Free, New York Red Bulls), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (€17m AC Milan)
In: Michel Herrero (Loan Signing, Valencia), Yves Desmarets (Free, Vitoria Guimaraes), Jonathan Urretavizcaya (Loan Signing, Benfica), Stopira (Free, C.D. Santa Clara), Ruben Perez (loan, Atletico Madrid), Felipe Ramos (free, Real Madrid Castilla), Claudio Morel Rodriguez (free, Boca Juniors), Knut Olav Rindarey (loan, Molde FK)
Out: Brayan Angulo (Recalled Loan, Leixoes), Mista (Free, Toronto FC), Rodolfo Bodipo (Loan Signing, FC Vaslui), Alex Bergantinos (Loan Signing, Granada CF), Filipe Luis (€12m, Atletico Madrid), Sergio Gonzalez (free, Levante), Ivan Perez (loan, SD Ponferradina), Jairo Alvarez (free, CF Palencia), Ruben Castro (€1.5m, Real Betis)
In: Pablo Daniel Osvaldo (Extended Loan, Bologna), Gregory Beranger (loan return, UD Las Palmas), Valdo (Recalled Loan, Malaga), Milan Smiljanic (Recalled Loan, Sporting Gijon), Jesus Datolo (Loan Signing, Napoli), Felipe Mattioni (free, Mallorca), Sergio Garcia (€1.8m, Real Betis)
Out: Gregory Beranger (Free, Elche), Fernando Marques (loan, Parma), Ben Sahar (loan, Hapoel Tel Aviv), Milan Smiljanic (loan, FK Partizan), Angel Martinez (loan, Girona FC), Nicolas Pareja (€10m, Spartak Moscow), Roman Martinez (loan, UANL Tigres), Valdo (free, Levante), Moises Hurtado (€2m, Olympiakos)
In: Borja Fernandez (Free, Valladolid), Ivan Marcano (Loan Signing, Villarreal), Franck Signorino (Recalled Loan, FC Cartagena), Pedro Mosquera (Free, Real Madrid), Adrian Colunga (€2m, Recreativo Huelva), Victor Sanchez (loan, Barcelona)
Out: Joffre Guerron (€1.2m, CA Paranaense), Pedro Leon (€10m, Real Madrid), Miguel Pallardo (loan, Levante), David Belenguer (free, Real Betis), David Cortez (free, Hercules), Kepa Blanco (free, Recreativo Huelva), Adrian Gonzalez (free, Racing Santander), Roberto Soldado (€10m, Valencia)
In: Olivier Thomert (Free, Le Mans), Matias Fritzler (loan, Lanus), Abel Aguilar (€1.5m, Udinese), David Cortez (free, Getafe), Cristian Pulhac (loan, Dinamo Bucharest), Nelson Valdez (€3.8m, Borussia Dortmund), Mohamed Sarr (€300k, Standard Liege), David Trezeguet (Juventus), Royston Drenthe (Loan, Real Madrid)
Out: Edu Moya (Free, Xerez), Sergio Diaz (free, Gimnastic de Tarragona), Ionel Danciulescu (free, Dinamo Bucharest), Jorge Alonso (free, Real Valladolid), Gerardo Noriega (free, Gimnastic de Tarragona), Rodri (free, Gimnastic de Tarragona), Andrija Delibasic (free, Rayo Vallecano), Dani Bautista (free, Girona)
In: Xavi Torres (Loan Signing, Malaga), Miguel Pallardo (loan, Getafe), Sergio Gonzalez (free, Deportivo La Coruna), Christian Stuani (loan, Reggina), Gustavo Munua (free, Malaga), Valdo (free, Espanyol), Nano (free, Real Betis), Javi Venta (free, Villarreal), Ignacio Gonzalez (loan, Valencia), Asier del Horno (loan, Valencia)
Out: Javi Guerra (Recalled Loan, Mallorca), Pau Cendros (Recalled Loan, Mallorca), Jorge Pina (free, Albacete), Albert Serra (free, Girona FC), Manu Herrera (free, AD Alcorcon), Angel Sanchez (free, AD Alcorcon), Daniel Carril (free, UD Las Palmas), Marc Mateu (loan, Real Union Irun)
In: Eliseu Pereira (€500k, Lazio), Edinho (Recalled Loan, PAOK Salonika), Javier Malagueno (€2m, Indios de Ciudad Juarez), Salomon Rondon (€3.5m, UD Las Palmas), Sebastian Fernandez (€2.5m, CA Banfield), Rodrigo Galatto (free, Atletico Paranaense), Quincy Owusu-Abeyie (free, Al-Sadd Sports Club)
Out: Milan Stepanov (Recalled Loan, FC Porto), Roberto Santamaria (Recalled Loan, Las Palmas), Valdo (Recalled Loan, Espanyol), Felipe Caicedo (Recalled Loan, Manchester City), Victor Obinna (Recalled Loan, Inter Milan), Fernando Forestieri (Recalled Loan, Genoa), Xavi Torres (Loan Signing, Levante), Javi Lopez (loan, SD Ponferradina), Pere Marti (free, CD Castellon), Miguel Angel Lozano (free, SD Ponferradina), Gustavo Munua (free, Levante), Jordi Pablo (loan, FC Cartagena), Daniel Toribio (loan, SD Ponferradina)
In: Felipe Mattioni (€1m, Maga Esporte), Javi Guerra (Recalled Loan, Levante), Pau Cendros (Recalled Loan, Levante), Oscar Diaz (Recalled Loan, Recreativo Huelva), Jonathan de Guzman (free, Feyenoord)
Out: Mario Suarez (€1.8m, Atletico Madrid), Borja Valero (Recalled Loan, West Bromwich Albion), Aritz Aduriz (€4m, Valencia), Fernando Varela (free, Kasimpasa SK), Julio Alvarez (free, Tenerife), Javi Guerra (€300k, Valladolid), Oscar Diaz (free, Xerez), Felipe Mattioni (free, Espanyol), Javi Castellano (loan, Real Union Irun), Oscar Trejo (loan, Rayo Vallecano), Juanmi Callejon (free, Cordoba CF)
In: Fernando Soriano (Free, Almeria), Asier Riesgo (Free, Real Sociedad), Dejan Lekic (€2.5m, Red Star Belgrade), Nicolas Medina (Recalled Loan, CD Castellon), Damia Albella (loan, Real Betis), Lolo (free, Sevilla)
Out: Cesar Azpilicueta (€7m, Marseille), Dady (Free, Bucaspor), Jorge Galan (Loan Signing, Huesca), Oscar Vega (Loan Signing, Huesca), Jokin Esparza (Loan Signing, Huesca), Andres Fernandez (Loan Signing, SD Huesca), Roberto Fernandez (Free, Granada CF), Roversio (loan, Real Betis)
In: Francis (Free, Xerez), Domingo Cosma (Free, Almeria), Kennedy Bakircioglu (Free, Kayserispor), Henrique (loan, Barcelona), Ariel Nahuelpan (free, Coritiba), Alexandros Tziolis (loan, Siena), Adrian Gonzalez (free, Getafe)
Out: Nasief Morris (Recalled Loan, Panathinaikos), Juanjo Esposito (Loan Signing, Watford), Jose Moraton (free, UD Salamanca), Toni Moral (free, FC Cartagena)
In: Angel Di Maria (€25m, Benfica), Sami Khedira (€10m, Stuttgart), Pedro Leon (€10m, Getafe), Mesut Ozil (€15m, Werder Bremen), Ricardo Carvalho (€7.5m, Chelsea),
Out: Miguel Palanca (Free, Elche), Pedro Mosquera (Free, Getafe), Raul (Free, Schalke 04), Guti (Free, Besiktas), Christophe Metzelder (Free, Schalke 04)
In: Joseba Llorente (€2m, Villarreal), Francisco Sutil (Free, SD Eibar), Diego Ifran (€1.5m, Danubio), Jeffrey Sarpong (free, Ajax Amsterdam)
Out: Asier Riesgo (Free, Osasuna), Franck Songo’o (Recalled Loan, Real Zaragoza), Inigo Sarasola (loan, Real Union), Iosu Esnaola (loan, Real Union)
In: Abel Aguilar (Loan Extended, Udinese), Pablo de Barros (Recalled Loan, Gimnastic de Tarragona), Braulio Nobrega (Recalled Loan, Recreativo Huelva), Franck Songo’o (Recalled Loan, Real Sociedad), Leo Franco (Free, Galatasaray), Toni Doblas (Free, SD Huesca), Matteo Contini (€2.1m, Napoli), Nicolas Bertolo (loan, Palermo), Adam Pinter (free, MTK Budapest)
Out: Adrian Colunga (Recalled Loan, Recreativo Huelva), Humberto Suazo (loan return, CF Monterrey), Eliseu Pereira (Recalled Loan, Lazio), Ruben Pulido (free, Eskisehirspor), Pablo Amo (free, Panserraikos), Pablo de Barros (loan, Cruzeiro)
In: Mouhamadou Dabo (Free, St. Etienne), Tiberio Guarente (€5m, Atalanta), Arouna Kone (Recalled Loan, Hannover 96), Luca Cigarini (loan, Napoli)
Out: Marius Stankevicius (Recalled Loan, Sampdoria), Francisco Javier Barranco (Free, Osasuna B), Marc Valiente (Free, Valladolid), Adriano (€10m, Barcelona), Emiliano Armenteros (loan, Rayo Vallecano), Jose Angel Crespo (loan, Padova), David Prieto (free, Tenerife), Tom de Mul (loan, Standard Liege), Javier Chevanton (free, Lecce), Lolo (free, Sevilla)
In: Gaston Sangoy (€1m, Apollon Limassol), Ayoze Garcia (Free, Tenerife), Nacho Novo (Free, Rangers), Alberto Botia (Free, Barcelona), Sebastian Eguren (Free, Villarreal),
Out: Milan Smiljanic (Recalled Loan, Espanyol), Kike Mateo (loan, Elche CF), Jose Maldonado (free, FC Cartagena), Gerard Autet (free, Xerez)
In: Mehmet Topal (€4.2m, Galatasaray), Roberto Soldado (€10m, Getafe), Renan Brito (Recalled Loan, Xerez), Thiago Carleto (Recalled Loan, Sao Paulo), Nacho Gonzalez (Recalled Loan, Levadiakos), Asier del Horno (Recalled Loan, Valladolid), Alberto Costa (€6.5m, Montpellier), Aritz Aduriz (€4m, Mallorca), Sofiane Feghouli (free, Grenoble)
Out: David Villa (€40m, Barcelona), Michel Herrero (On Loan, Deportivo La Coruna), Nikola Zigic (€7m, Birmingham City), Renan Brito (On Loan, Internacional), David Silva (€30m, Manchester City), David Lomban (free, Xerez), Carlos Marchena (€2.2m, Villarreal), Aaron Niguez (free, Recreativo Huelva), Ignacio Gonzalez (loan, Levante), Asier del Horno (loan, Levante)
In: Sofiane Feghouli (free, Grenoble), Ricardo Costa (free, Lille), Damian Escudero (€2.5m, Boca Juniors), Sebastian Eguren (loan return, Lazio), Borja Valero (€6m, West Bromwich Albion), Carlos Marchena (€2.2m, Valencia)
Out: Ivan Marcano (Loan Signing, Getafe), Joseba Llorente (€2m, Real Sociedad), Sebastian Eguren (free, Sporting Gijon), Ariel Ibagaza (Free, Olympiakos), Diego Godin (€8m, Atletico Madrid), David Fuster (free, Olympiakos), Javi Venta (free, Levante)
La Liga News,
La Liga Transfers,
Real Madrid
SPAIN WORLD CUP WINNERS 2010: What a journey
What can you say after that last week and a half? Spain are 2010 World Champions! Spain won the World Cup! After that corker of a game against Portugal we had Paraguay. A heart attack of a game. Spain were average by their own standards but they were made to look poor (I say that relatively speaking!) by a hard-working and determined Paraguay side. That match really could have gone either way. Luckily San Iker was on hand with a penalty save and a last minute block from Roque Santa Cruz. David Villa got the late winner once more.
Next up in the semis was many peoples new favorites. Germany. Spain was simply magnificent that night. They didnt give Germany a chance. Xabi Alonso and Sergio Busquets played blinders. The passing was as crisp and accurate as it's ever been. Germany were passed off the park with Spain reaching their first ever World Cup final thanks to a bullet header from Carlos Puyol. A flying ball of muscle and hair that the German defence left completely unmarked at a late corner. The country erupted. The real Spain had come to town. Just when it mattered most.
Then the final. Spain v Holland. Not a great match, thanks largely to some unorthodox tackling from Mark Van Bommel and Nigel de Jong. Spain showed glimpses of their quality but by the end of 90 minutes it was Arjen Robben who was left to rue two failed one on ones with Iker Casillas. The first was a sensational stop from Iker. For me it was as important if not more so than the late winner that would be provided by little Andres Iniesta. Extra time was simply unbearable. Penalites loomed, until sub Cesc Fabregas slipped in Iniesta and the rest is history. Literally. Spains first ever World Cup triumph. The first time a European team has won the World Cup outside of Europe. In a repeat of Vienna two summers ago Iker Casillas stood reached to the skies with silverware (or should it be goldenware) in his hands. What a moment for Spanish Football.
I was lucky enough to watch the match in Cádiz. Was an unbelievable atmosphere with everyone, myself included, treating themselves to a post-match dip in the sea once the trophy had been passed over by Señor Blatter. Then the party really kicked in as it suddenly hit home that Spain had actually won the World Cup. An unforgettable night. Yesterday saw the squad wind their way through a fan-filled Madrid before Pepe Reina, Spains very own master of ceremonies, took to the mike infront of thousands of fans in what is becoming a biannual celebration. Too much to say, too little time, but I hope you all enjoyed what turned out to be a fantastic World Cup. Only a few weeks and we'll have La Liga back in action ;) Some videos for you to enjoy including the highlights of the final, Ikers special post-match kiss with girlfriend/journalist Sara Carbonera and Pepe Reinas fantastic introduction to Spain 2010.
Andres Iniesta,
South Africa 2010,
World Cup
World Cyber Games '10 Malaysia

If you ask me 1-2 years ago if i was ever going to participate another World Cyber Games counter strike tournament, i'll say hell no. But believe it or not, this coming Friday, i will be playing ! Nothing serious, but wanna relive back the fun we had before. We i mean Azrin (StRyKeR-X) Ben (NoName) Imran (Yahooo) Nasu (Jings) and myself of course (adorkable) We do not have a team name and most likely not use our legendary clan name -NBTD-
We have disappeared in the gaming world approximately about 3 1/2 years back, it wasn't a great ending, as we managed to only place 3rd in the last tournament :( This year result will probably the worst, hahaha i am just hoping we qualify the qualifiers -___-!!
Truthfully i miss my gaming days so much, but of course i can't go back, i am older and have many other responsibilities in life, such as work and more work! Can't believe i actually made a bit of living through gaming. We even traveled to China, Australia, Singapore for tournaments, all paid and sponsored! We spend a minimum of 4 hours of training per session and sometimes 7-8 hours when its closer to tournaments. My record was 14 hours, i still remember falling asleep half way through the match, LOL! (Yes i am lame)
Oh yesssss, my lucky charm Dinosaur is finally gonna reappear again!! It's sad cause he has more fame than i do =D All media's and photographers always wanna take a photo of him! :P Anyway time to hit the bed soon, enjoy my "old gaming" photos!!
Team Meeting in Xian, China.
With the world famous "Fat4lity"
Aww.. right? :D
HAHAHA, Don't ask me whats on Nasu's comp. It's some kinda SHEEP, he brought it out to tease me :(
World Cup 2010 has finally come to an end, what an EPIC final. Probably the best world cup final i've watched live up to date, full of tension, miss opportunity, close calls and scare to death moments! As you know i was supporting Spain for the finale, many people was wondering why i don't support Netherlands as my gf is from there, there's no answer to that, i don't see why i should support Chelsea/Liverpool/Arsenal IF my gf supports them. Football is football i guess, some things can't be changed overnight, but i am truly sad for her part as i know how it would suck if my country was in the final and lose. If you watch football with me, you can see how passionate of a fan i am, eventho i'm not English or Spanish , i would jump like there was no one around me. I could imagine from or living there having to suffer a loss in the final, Sorry baby and all her friends, better luck next time i guess :/
The World Cup started very slow, dull & boring. But it certainly lived up it expectations during the knock out rounds, before i end my post, i would like to congratulate Spain on the marvelous achievement, nothing is sweeter than winning the World Cup. Iker Casillas, the captain of Spain, you are the best goal keeper in the world by a big big margin. He's very well known for crying after winning a big tournament, he did it again last night on the field and off the field. Enjoy the video below =))
Iker Casillas kisses girlfriend Sara Carbonero
Some pictures of the celebration :-
This day's gotta be the busiest day I had for months (academically speaking).
With reviewing for my Physics exam + HW in my major subjects, I was basically occupied all day long.
It's a great feeling though, even if it's making me crazy, I felt a sense of accomplishment on what I did. Plus, I didn't even watched anything (though I was most tempted to continue rewatching Skip Beat)
The last time I reviewed this hard for an exam was like 1 and a half years ago (talk about being a lazy student).
Time Dilation explains my thoughts on watches. And I think the theory on special relativity is quite awesome (though I only understood 10% of what it says)
With reviewing for my Physics exam + HW in my major subjects, I was basically occupied all day long.
It's a great feeling though, even if it's making me crazy, I felt a sense of accomplishment on what I did. Plus, I didn't even watched anything (though I was most tempted to continue rewatching Skip Beat)
The last time I reviewed this hard for an exam was like 1 and a half years ago (talk about being a lazy student).
Time Dilation explains my thoughts on watches. And I think the theory on special relativity is quite awesome (though I only understood 10% of what it says)
I made an astonishing discovery:
I can't smile. LOL. It turns out that if I try to, it appears to be 'forced'. OMG.
I used to smile with my teeth not showing, and when I discovered that it's good to show your teeth at times, it's better.

Anyway, here's a photo of mine (above) when my friends and I watched Eclipse (last 30th). Noticed something, or should I say, noticed someone missing? HAHAHA. I can be mean sometimes.

me and my highschool friends. I really missed them a lot. (and see how forced my smile is?, arggghhhh, LMAO)
I can't smile. LOL. It turns out that if I try to, it appears to be 'forced'. OMG.
I used to smile with my teeth not showing, and when I discovered that it's good to show your teeth at times, it's better.

Anyway, here's a photo of mine (above) when my friends and I watched Eclipse (last 30th). Noticed something, or should I say, noticed someone missing? HAHAHA. I can be mean sometimes.

me and my highschool friends. I really missed them a lot. (and see how forced my smile is?, arggghhhh, LMAO)
Random Facts
Last prediction from Paul the Octopus
The latest star in 2010 Fifa World Cup has made his final last 2 predictions, he chose GERMANY to beat Uruguay and SPAIN to be the world champions. Do remember Paul has gotten 1 wrong in Euro 2008 final between Germany and Spain, he might just do it again this time around. But since my money is on Spain to clinch the cup, i am really hoping he doesn't get it wrong!
Tonight will be Germany vs Uruguay, if i were to predict.. Germany to win 3-1 or 4-2, there will be goals in this match that i assure you =)
It's late now, time to get some sleep and regenerate my energy for the last 2 final games. Have a great weekend.
Oh before i sign off, my final prediction even before Paul chose Spain to win it. Spain 2-0 Netherlands ! Torres and Villa to score.
Do not f*ck with Paul !
What can i say? He did it again !!!

Hail the King Paul the oracle Octopus! He's freaking insane, i don't know if its luck, if he really knows wtf he's doing.. But damn, give any human 6 games to predict, chances of getting all right is very slim. Oh well , i am happy Germany lost, about time their luck runs out.
SPAIN is my choice, can't wait !!

UPDATE: Not sure if its photoshopped or it's real, but this owns! LoL
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