....... my mouse and keyboard. Online auctions are evil and must be punished. This is what happens when you sit in front of the computer all day. I bought crap off ebay again. Thankfully they were cheap. I knew I shouldn't have bid more than 10 quid for each shoe but towards the last one minute mark there was a frenzy of activity and the part of my brain that deals with rationality switched off plus the Filipino Imelda genes started overexpressing themselves. There's also the "There's no way he/she/it is going to outbid me!" maniacal voice in my brain reminding me how 'one upmanship' is a basic human instinct. This is also why art fetches ridiculous prices at auctions. Okinana Shite, now I'm $50 poorer. Money I could have spent on better things such as a Eurostar ticket to Paris.
I've been fingering too much again.....
....... my mouse and keyboard. Online auctions are evil and must be punished. This is what happens when you sit in front of the computer all day. I bought crap off ebay again. Thankfully they were cheap. I knew I shouldn't have bid more than 10 quid for each shoe but towards the last one minute mark there was a frenzy of activity and the part of my brain that deals with rationality switched off plus the Filipino Imelda genes started overexpressing themselves. There's also the "There's no way he/she/it is going to outbid me!" maniacal voice in my brain reminding me how 'one upmanship' is a basic human instinct. This is also why art fetches ridiculous prices at auctions. Okinana Shite, now I'm $50 poorer. Money I could have spent on better things such as a Eurostar ticket to Paris.