If Globe will have its way, you will be charged for using Skype/Voice Chat

The new 'do

I got a new haircut this afternoon. I originally wanted my long hair done ala Jimmy Page but my stylist said Page had curly hair. He should know, after all he used to be the stylist to rock royalty (including Black Sabbath, and those manes are huge.) Anyways, I settled for a short hairdo that is low maintenance and that gives me that 'just got up from the bed' look.

Looks like my beloved Philippines is still having patchy internet connections after those undersea cables were snapped by last month's earthquake. Meanwhile, the Indonesians have launched their OWN satellite. We have behemoths like PLDT, Smart, and Globe who have the most oppressive telecoms consumer pricing schemes in the world. (Having expiry dates on cellphone loads/top-ups is daylight robbery. And now they also plan to charge for VOIP. Greedy bastards.) Surely, with all the profits the make, they can afford to build a couple of birds in the sky to complement our networks. Don't be too proud of the Agila2 satellite because we didn't design that ourselves. That was bought off the shelf. If the Indonesians can do it, surely our own DOST can design some satellites.

HRO Karl Willem's lead counsel Sarah is in Oxford for a short visit. We are so proud that she's doing well. HRO Karl Willem was really sad to let her go but upholding international human rights deserves the best legal minds and Sarah is one of them.

Speaking of bad undersea internet connections, my office has been rewired and upgraded to a higher capacity wireline broadband connection. I thought this is redundant as I already have wifi. The lights have also been fitted with motion sensors so no more fumbling for the switch in the dark. Gawd, too much hi-techiness that I thought it would be a good idea to liven up my cubicle with old-school posters. There are the mandatory science posters....

but then again, instead of the Table of Elements or Table of Constants, I thought I'd put up a poster of the different types of cheeses and tick off each one I've tasted..

On the other wall, I put up posters of different types of apples, herbs and tomatoes..

Admittedly, my cube looks like a kindergarten classroom but I still have a couple of good ones to put up such as this very informative one on the different breeds of pigs and goats....