To date, it was the first live football game that I watched. And it was so memorable :)
We (UP) won! I was basically shouting my heart out cheering for UP. I didn't care that we were standing, and that we were under the scorching heat of the sun. All for the love of football. Yeah, I am so in love with football. Me encanta muchisimo el futbol y me encanta un cierto jugador (JAJAJA).
Proof to that was I was willing to come back on a Sunday (I never went back to our dorm during Sundays).
About the game, I think it was great, though through most of it I was nervous, nervous that UST might score a goal. Thankfully, we won. You know the best part about it? I was able to take pictures with some of the players :)
Honestly, I never thought that I would ask Jinggoy for a picture. Never in my wildest imagination. Plus, we (my friend and I) didn't have a camera. Luckily, Ziru's friend brought one. And through Ziru's nagging, we approached Jinggoy (she was the one to ask him). He's humble and he's tall :P

We also took pictures with some of the players but Ziru's friend hasn't UL-ed it. She only UL-ed the one above and this (which is weird, LOL):

We approached Jinggoy twice :P (We were hoping to get solo pics with him). BUT OMG. I look so fat in the second pic. Plus, my pimple is screaming bloody murder! If only the pic's taken more properly (ok, stop complaining, you should be grateful instead). Nonetheless, if there's one thing I noticed, Jinggoy looked so natural in the two pics above, as compared with the other pics that's been circulating around, and mind you, those were taken using DSLR.
Enough of my shizzness. IF there are two things that will be included in my bucket list they are:
1. Watch a World Cup Game (preferably a La Roja game)
2. Watch an Azkals game