Wedding William and Kate Middleton Street Route (Live in Google Earth)

American Times - Google Earth provides the route through which Prince William and Kate Middleton at a wedding.

Impressions of the route was packed in a 3D format. In the impressions of Google Earth, the route through which William and Kate started from Westminster Abbey to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Downing Street No. 10 place-based British prime minister, horse guards parade, Royal Mall who covered a lot of trees, and ends at Buckingham Palace.

Thousands of 3D images other historic buildings in London such as the British Museum and the Royal Park can be seen via Google Earth. ''We've changed the St James Park, Green Park and Hyde Park like a lush green carpet. We model the five types of trees. And more than 12 thousand trees were planted individually in there,''said Phil Verney, manager of the program, Google Earth & Maps.

How do I find the route in question? Open Google Earth, check the 3D box in the lower left of the Layers panel and type London into the search bar at top left. Use the navigation controls on the top to zoom, rotate, and tilt the view. Or users can access in Google Earth Maps View in your browser.