Tablet PCs - It's NOT for Girls With Naughty Fingers

Monday dinner in bed

Global Warming is upon us..........Blue fin tuna caught off British Waters!!! Pass the Wasabi Mr. Bean!

Look at the size of that lion's mane jellyfish. You'll need half the population of Brighton to pee on you if you get stung by that big muthafucka.

Even truffles are in abundance........Not as aromatic as the continental fungi but this is nature's bittersweet revenge. Rev up your silly 4WDs because it's all downhill from here...

Don't you find it too paranoid android these new airplane baggage restrictions? Why should a smaller bag be less suspicious than a bigger bag? Hel-lo? As long as the no liquid-whatever ban only applies to US bound flights that's fine by me.

Sadly, those lapdogs in the Philippines have made gaya-gaya puto-maya tatanga tanga and banned liquids in, shock horror, the frigging LRT!!!! Do they know how hotter than hell it is inside an LRT carriage not to have bottled agua with you???? It's not just overacting and not really solving the rootcause, it's plain STUPID. Meanwhile, in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan, an old bearded man with a liver ailment is bathing in a tub of Evian asking "What, they haven't found me yet?"

Maybe the North Americans are so uptight because they don't even get 4 weeks paid holiday says this report......

Why slave at work so much? Sure you get paid more but why does one need that much money anyway? To pay gas money for an always thirsty 4WD you won't ever take off road? To pay off health insurance needed from supersizing all those burgers? I thought you could get everything you needed over there at Walmart for cheap?

Paid holiday leave: UK 6.6 weeks; Italy 7.9 weeks; do they ever work at all? I think they drink cafe all day and then collect a paycheck at the end of each month. like the sound of that..

And why are Danes top of the happy list? Is it the egalitarianism? Surely it's not the Lurpak? Is it the required reading of Hans Christian Andersen's psycho fables? The higher alcohol content of their lager? The liberal drug laws? The utilitarian attitude to sex? (Ok, if that's so, then maybe the Lurpak DOES have its other uses.)

I have, hmmm, 7 Danish friends. For a population of 5 million, that's a statistical anomaly. Not that I'm complaining. They are truly a happy bunch. Of course Flipinoys top the happy list in the world. As the saying goes - 'birds of the same feather get hit by one stone....'

Finally, this is what happens when girls get tablet PCs. I came back to my lab office to find Lorraine has been trigger happy with her stylus again.....

Really, it's no fair having an online chat with someone equipped with a Tablet PC......I should get one myself.......