1. Feet together, pretend you are an Olympic diver, ready to take the plunge....
2. Grab a partner and do synchronised diving....(warn your girl friend though, especially if she is wearing a mini skirt as there are some dirty old men with 6MP 10X zoom cameras....)
3. Count down the number of seconds it takes you after drinking this poison to want to go to the loo....
4. Raise your foot to the roof and shake it like you just don't care....
5. Your best impression of Gallic insouciance. Say, Hmmph!, turn your back towards your partner and do the de quatro.....
At the end of the trip, ask yourself if you can get away with the same physical exercises on the Victory train from Pasay to Baguio, or even more impressive, on the Dangwa Bus from Baguio to your country farm on the Benguet-Mt. Province border (and I'm taking about the bench seats that are meant for THREE! persons).