...alcohol. Lots and lots of it.

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit wear their name tags and encourage everyone to do the same so we can get to know each other better.

HRO Karl Willem welcomes 85 new students at our college who passed the admissions interview. (We don't do multiple choice exams here. Kalokohan lang ang exams. As usual maraming mga tsika-babes..mmmm.)

PA/PR Gromit ready to pour the booze. You see, unlike UP Sigma Rho, we are a little bit more civilised and don't haze our freshers. (As they are not vetted yet, they can't drink from fine cut glasses. Plastic cups muna para sa mga bagong salta baka hindi pa maalam ng social graces...)

Tonight's damage: 25 large pizzas, 4 cases of beer, 25 bottles of white wine, 25 bottles of red, 10 liters of orange juice, one vomit stained rug, a couple of deflowerments, 3 Nashman dinner dates (which we need to fit into a packed October). Ok, maybe we don't haze freshers but we punish their livers....