
Were it not for the cold, I'd be outside admiring the full moon. I'm being a sissy, staying indoors. Thank Baal for large windows. (Don't cha love our art deco chandelier?)

Free Burma! If we looked at the map today and pointed out the failed states led by bling-heavy dictators you'd see the dirty hands of the Chinese government . Mugabe would have been deposed ages ago were it not for the Chinese aid. Same story with Sudan and practically every wretched African nation. Non-selective Chinese investment is propping up demented kleptocracies. And now, we have this violence going on in Burma. And who is funding the Burmese military junta? The Chinese Government of course who are more than happy to sell them weapons. (Of course we could say the same thing about the USA, they who funded all sides as well as bystanders of the Iran-Iraq war.....). Ugh. We should all unite to stop these evil governments from selling guns that we use to kill each other.