Meet More Neighbours

At the end of the day, what's better than coming home to an eager and playful Pussy?

His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem, PA/PR Gromit and The Nashman's new room, just like the previous one, has a marvelous view of a graveyard. It's not as big and naturally foliated as Holywell and there are no berries to pick but this one comes with a very beautiful Norman Church, reputedly one of the finest in England.

Iffley Church.

Detail of the West Gate. Nakakagutom, miss ko tuloy ulo ng manok at day old chick.

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit looking out from our North-West facing window.

Dead people make very good neighbours. At night it's very peaceful. It's very rare to see a group of noisy ghosts. In fact, Ghosts are normally quiet. They just materialise every so often and it's the witness who makes the noisy scream. It's rude to scream at a Ghost. They're a nice bunch these guys, I think they all died from the plague or syphilis or for insulting the royals.

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit borrowing some white sugar from the tenant of one of the open graves. This guy died quite young, he was 52 when he permanently retired.

The view from our North-West window just after sunset. We can actually see the dome of the Rad Cam 3 miles away. It's good exercise going to college everyday. The cycle ride strengthens the thighs and tones the brown butt.