Guest Invitation Meet Westminster Abbey

LONDON - The guests who attended the wedding invitation of Prince William and Kate Middleton began to fill the church Westminster Abbey. Looks ancient church was filled with guests from among aristrokrat, politicians and celebrities.

Comes with luxurious clothes, the invitation appeared to start entering Westminster Abbey. Looks regulators proceedings, arrange seating of the guests.

Among the guests be seen leading UK footballer David Beckham and wife Victoria. While several other guests come from the British aristocracy.

Meanwhile, outside the church of Westminster, the fans seem ready to wait for the course of the royal family wedding procession.
They like not mengindahi cold weather that hit London today, and continues to faithfully wait for the wedding ceremony begins. Royal party also provides the big screen, so citizens apat witnessed that historic moment.

The wedding will take place today, regarded as the grandest wedding of the century. It is also like to repeat the marriage between Prince Charles and Princess Dianai 1981 ago. At that time the British people also tinged euphoria see them married the crown prince.

Britons are now able to watch the re-marriage hebohnya royal family, and interesting knick-knacks that follow.