Genting 25th July

What a weekend i had! Something unusual as well, it did not involve alcohol, and there were no friends with me too. Just me, my mom, my brother and my baby, decided to go up Genting for a day trip.

We left the house pretty late, at about 1pm, then we had our lunch in Gothong Jaya before heading up the hill. One thing that Genting never seems to ever stop pissing me off is their parking!! BZZ 10 out of 10 times i go there, i have trouble finding parking space! That being said, i thought my trip was already ruined, as it was already close to 3pm. In the end, we found a parking space and hurriedly ran to the theme park. All hell broke loose after that :D

My brother forced my mom into a few rides (Cyclone, Pirate Ship, Roller Coaster) She screamed like a mad woman, everyone below was looking at her. I even have a video of it, it may look fake, but trust me, it wasn't! HAHAHA, she screamed even louder when i stop filming, unfortunately there weren't enough battery to take the full ride, lol it would have won the funniest video award. Really happy my mom enjoyed the trip with us, she made it more fun by sitting those rides with us. She even squeezed my babie's hand so hard that it actually hurt during one of the roller coaster ride. We did not really sit many rides because it was hella pack in the theme park, wasn't surprise tho, it's school holiday season. After all the fun we had at the outdoor theme park, we went in to the indoor which is utterly boring except for the Ghost house & Ripleys believe it or not. But i chickened out lol =P

We left the hill at about 8pm, and then had our dinner in Gothong Jaya again. We bought so much fruits, and guess what? It finished in 3days. Real fruit monsters we have in the house.

Anyway, it was such a great weekend, i hope to go out with my family more often. Speaking of family trip, they are going to Phuket,Phi Phi island Thailand next weekend for 5days, so fucking jealous =( But but !! Baby and i are planning our next dive trip in Tioman this coming month, nothing is booked yet, but we will definitely be there. Til my next post! Take care and enjoy my pictures below, Cheers!

PS: Taking of Pelham 123 is excellent too, must watch!

My hair all messed up after the first ride it self. Bzz haha :P

My mom thought it was a slow roller coaster, haha. But it was boring for me of course :D

HAHA, her face before the cyclone ride :D

Spent RM26 on those stupid games! Ended up winning nothing :(

My mom's hilarious scream during Pirate Ship