PROPAGANDHI- A Speculative Fiction

this explains why Propagandhi is an institution
play this full throttle!
A new iron curtain drawn across the 49th parallel. Cut all diplomatic
ties as we expel all American dignitaries, and issue a nation-wide
travel advisory for any others left inside. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to
hide. The burned out shells of south-bound traffic lay strewn across a
cold stretch of would-be interstate. Still visible below their charred
remains: Pax Americana plates. Your stupid fucking laser-punks were
just the start. And while you may stand six full cubits and a span, we
got a shepard's sling and five stories in our hand and the battle of
1812 lives in our heart. We don't care if we're destroyed. We'll never
capitulate. We'll take the whole fucking world down, down with us in
flames. Just a speculative fiction. No cause for alarm. We got a good
15 years left till the United We Stand murals on West Broadway finally
fade and we wave good-bye to such sad, childish refrains. Replaced with
other stupid lullabies like "you can have my guns when you pry them
from my cold dead hands". Just a speculative fiction. No cause for alarm