I'm Going to Heaven....Are You? (If you happen to have a fugly personality, I hope not)

The High Priest arrives. You gotta love those umbrellas. The salvation of the world is too much for a simple man like me to bear. So I prayed for those who I thought needed it most - Ashley and Jo for their 'alternative' lifestyles and deviant sexual orientation; Lourdes for taking class A drugs from Mang Bogart; Josh for alcoholism; Josh (again) and Jux for accelerating the demise of our earth by driving gas guzzling cars; Lor for her extravagance and also for accelerating the demise of our earth for jetsetting too much; and for newly married Clifford (give me my Louis Vuitton folio you bitch) for a happily ever after life. I also prayed for my selfish intentions - me want a pretty and intelligent future wife who can go dirrrrty when the need arises.

Zenkoji temple contains the first Buddhist image to arrive in Japan. I woke up early to attend sunrise prayers. Sitting in the lotus position in the worshipper's hall, I meditated as the monks chanted from the holy texts. Buddhist chanting accompanied by a traditional bass drum has a very hallucinogenic effect on me. And when the high priest did his solo act, boy was his coluratura very very excellent. As someone who was educated in a convent, I know too well how a high mass can go oh so wrong if the Gregorian chanting comes from a priest who is tone deaf. (Try out the mass in Don Bosco Church in Baguio circa 1980s. I think the priest was actually doing poetry instead of chanting). Anyyyyyways, in Zenkoji, the high priest delivered those inter-octave jumps in perfect tones that were truly soul-shaking. There were seven monks on each side of him and it was no surprise that the most 'rotund' among them got to bang the drums.

After prayers came the most bestest part ever ever. Below the inner sanctuary is an underground passageway. It is an arms length in width and 8 feet high and pitch black. The goal is to navigate it blindly seeking a wall mounted 'Key to Paradise' that ensures eternal salvation if you get to touch it. I am mildly claustrophobic but I could not let this opportunity pass given the number of sins I have committed. It is a powerful feeling, you know your eyes are wide open but you can't see a thing. So you stretch your arms out and let your hands lead you along the winding 50ft tunnel. And when you finally near the end, catching the very first ray of light, the feeling is totally out of this world and you are thankful to the gods because no earthquake was sent your way while you were negotiating the underground passageway. After all, this temple is right smack in the ring of fire.

This ain't Japanese high tea but it was good. You know you are in a proper salon de the when it's served on a Wedgwood. Even in England, it's rare to get served tea with blue porcelain, especially if you are paying only 1.50 quid.

Atang for The Nashman

Being 3 months preggers, I get tired easily. It was a long day, Hil's pitch went well, and when it was all over, another pig out dinner....on the carpet no less.

Celebrating at the Cadillac ranch. I ordered the most bizaare cocktails ever while Hils settled for a bottle of red wine which she alone drank.

I wonder why the Japanese insist on whaling. It's not like they need it to survive. The current selection of fresh fish is plentiful and delicious.

And now check this out- Those retro tubes are giving me an engineer's hard on. Glad to know oldschool sound systems still exist in the land of the high tech...

Says right there on the label - Welcome to the world of a sound which trembles your heart.