The Gastronomic Protest Society November Secret Dinner

Location: Gina's House of Style

1. ..............something intellectual ek-ek....but I forgot....
2. Gina's thesis submission (success, now waiting for word on job offer to head Kabul, Afghanistan agency)
3. Pick me up for Lourdes who got dumped
4. Farewell and good luck to Clinton for his archeological digging expedition
5. Alexandra's initiation and interview to determine if she's good enough (and dirrty) to join the society.
6. Gossip
7. More gossip

Minor Problems:
The sink got clogged with sebo (oil) and The Nashman's attempt to clean it by poking it like an abortionist with alambre and tubing failed miserably.

Cheese board: Oxford Blue, Cornish Yarg, Norwegian Gjetost

Starter: Avocado dressing with smoked mussels in olive oil on toast.

Main: Paella....(The Nashman cried chopping those onions. Alexandra was pretty much useless with food preparation. What do they teach in Home Economics these days? The girls coming out of exclusive all girls' schools are truly clueless in the kitchen..)

....with monkfish, shrimps, mussels and most importantly....

...the best saffron smuggled from Iran.

Carnivore: Leg of lamb.....

...roasted to pink flesh perfection

Drinks: Old World 2004s (no more new world wines for now), cranberry juice, assam tea, tap water.

Dessert: Fruity moussy.....