HK Bay: Now with Sweet and Sewer Sauce...

Holy Crap Batman! So apparently, even the fancy BatSuit can't protect Bruce Wayne from the life-threatening bacteria swimming in the toilet bowl that is Victoria Harbour.

Speaking of bowel movements....

Thank Imhotep for wifi no? I've been beating Newsweek/IHT star columnist A.S. in online scrabble. In the 20 minutes that it took me to purge last night's curry, I came from behind to score 130 points!

And finally, can't help but laugh at the amount of crap coming out of the National Press Club, particularly one of its execs, Joel Sy Egco, who probably has mushy shit for a brain. (Hello, that's why no one reads the Manila Standard.) You see, the NPC has recently defaced an artwork relating to press freedom....It should rename itself the National Pulpol Club.