Why don't you shut up?

I'm laughing so hard as Lolo Juan Carlos tells an obnoxious Hugo Chavez (the opposite equal of Dubya) to shut up. (YouTube it! It's going to be a classic!)

At least Lolo Juan Carlos still had manners to use the "tu" form instead of "usted". (O ha, hindi palengkera tulad ni Luli Arroyo)

Now, can Lolo Juan Carlos please come over to Las Islas Filipinas and tell the Catholic Bishops Conference of The Philippines to Shut the Fuck Up about their twisted logic on population control?

PS. And just in case you have the mistaken notion that this was a relic of the past trying to censor free speech, Mr. Hugo was speaking out of turn and kept interrupting Zapatero's speech. Lolo Juan Carlos finally walked out when that bald man who looks like a villain in a bad B-movie film (if he isn't already in real life) Ortega joined in and made kampi with Hugo.