all nazis were harmed in this picture

One thang and thang only...kill the nazis

I have to say I am a little biased towards Quentin Tarantino, I grew up admiring what a phenomenon 'Pulp Fiction' was.I watched it when I was in post hi-skool and it is still written in my top 3 film of all time.
So naturally every subsequent QT flick was met with high expectations.

Unfortunately, From Dusk Till Dawn, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill Vol 1&2 and Grindhouse has not really lived up to the billing. Then i heard all the good vibe about his latest project Inglourious Basterds which tell the tale of a group of Jewish-American soldiers chosen
specifically to kill Nazis (read my stoked post back in May here).

I watched it twice. A dark historical fantasy, brave, unique and just sheer brilliant. Easily Mr Tarantino's best work since Pulp Fiction.
The film makes no apologies, asks for no forgiveness, it's a
no holds barred assault on the senses. Tarantino doesn't care if he
offends, if he steps all over stereotypes and clichés, this is film making at it purest.
and btw, for my money Christian Waltz deserves an oscar nomination for his potrayal as the Nazi "Jew Hunter" SS Colonel Hans Landa