demmit...No Use for a Name & MxPx live in KL?

double-dosage of punkrock remedy in my backyard? smells delicious...but too bad i cant make it :(

first, San Jose, California-based pop-punkers No Use for a Name will hit Ruums next weekend. One of many bands on FatWreck roster that I grew up listening to...'Dumb Reminders'  is literally one of my favourite anthemic song, period

then,come Dec 11, MxPx will perform at No1 cafe, Jln TAR (err..never heard of this venue before). The trio from Bremerton, Washington has been championing skatepunk since 1992.  Their latest album 'Secret Weapon' is a return to form after a series of mediocre effort. But 1996's 'Life in General; is still their classic
wish i was there in the sweaty pit