Liberation from Friendster

Today, The Nashman has finally deleted/cancelled his Friendster account.

The Nashman and His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem do not intend to be actively listed in any web-based social network (myspace, facebook, names database, now or in the future.

The Nashman and His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem have always adhered to the principle of universalism and believe that by joining a group, we unnecessarily exclude the rest.

The Nashman and His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem will retain this blog in the public domain. His Royal Orangeness has also decreed that no advertisements, link exchanges, stat counters, blogrolls, adsense, links, or the like will be added in the layout in the spirit of the 'web for all'.

The Nashman and His Royal Orangeness thank the 9 people (as ascertained from the comments section) who read this blog on a semi-regular basis. It is not our intention to blog for any other audience than for our OWN narcissistic amusement and we appreciate the fact that you come back every so often to read our diary.

We will continue to enjoy the web, read friends'/strangers' blogs, and participate in the online community without having to put ourselves inside a box.

Web social networking is eeeeeevil.

Obra: La muerte del maestro (The Death of the Teacher) by Jose Villegas Cordero taken at the Museo de Bellas Artes, Sevilla