The Nashman Studies of Motion 007: Quantum Teleportation and Awesome Pet Tricks

Somewhere in Andalucia, something spectacular is about to happen...

Yo esse. Que paso? Respecto! (Fist thump to the corazon). HRO Karl Willem in front of The Nashman's Capa de Armas

His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem and The Nashman proudly present their newest invention - teleportation. Por ejemplo, we can just beam me down Pedro to Plaza de España in Sevilla....

A word of warning to the impressionable kids who read this blog, Teleportation can be physically exhausting. Even The Nashman needs to take a siesta to recuperate.....

Fortunately, Barrio Sta. Ana is just a few metres away for that refreshing copa of cold cold cerveza...

And now for some very dangerous pet tricks. Please don't do this yourselves for the following reasons:
1. The Nashman and HRO Karl Willem have undergone years of training and it takes lots of practice and discipline to pull this off.
2. Unless you are Royalty (HRO Karl Willem) or a minor delusional e-list royalty with an important double-barreled Castillan surname (The Nashman), you definitely cannot do this on a major Spanish monument lest you be arrested by the Guardia Civil. I'm telling you, Dapitan is not a nice place to spend eternity.

First, the Nashman and HRO Karl Willem do a reverse head first fall from the ledge then....

....por dios por santo! HRO Karl Willem executes an extremely difficult 180 degree twist...

And for the coup de grace - HRO Karl Willem and The Nashman shake their bootyliciousness .... woof! woof!

Till next time amigos.....

(If Plaza de España looks familiar, George Lucas used it for Star Wars Episode II)

HRO Karl Willem, Orange Jedi Master, sense Darth Vader here was, mmmm.