Rudolph roasting on an open fire......

I still don't know what to cook for my simple Christmas Eve dinner. Looking around at the market I see some nice partridges which I think would be good wrapped in bacon before slowly roasting in the oven. I'm also thinking of doing pochero if I can find good game at the Thursday farmers' market. I could also be despicably lazy and order take out but that ain't right for Christmas. I should at least make an effort.

I'm not sending out cards, cutting up a pine tree, or buying anything unnecessary this Christmas. I'm into the post-materialistic anti-consumerism minimalist Zen now. (Food is an altogether different matter. Only the best will do for the tapeworms in my belly.)

Yet, I still don't mind getting some gifts from you, you selfish bastards.

A large boar is a lot for me to eat......

It looks like my circumcision. Is that pork kosher or what?

I'm skipping the rabbit, geese, and turkey.

That carp is humongous! Lobster would be a tad too luxurious. Besides, there is one big lobster at the zoology department which I'm thinking of stealing.