In a change of programming, a blog post not involving pictures of the Nashman*

Send Bruce Willis......

Last night was the most surreal but entertaining set of lectures I have ever attended this term. (Ok, I was lured by the free pizza and beer - which are two good excuses to attend a lecture.)

The first talk was on nuclear fusion which I missed because I was fashionably late. (The curry I ate yesterday was unstable in my stomach and I had to explode them into a black hole.)

The second was on particles that travel faster than the speed of light called tachyons. (Inside question: How do you raise research funding to study an imaginary particle? Do you stand in front of an imaginary grant body who gives you imaginary money to build an imaginary particle accelerator in the French-Swiss border? Once you get imaginary experimental results, do you then publish it in an imaginary journal which will be read by imaginary scientists who will deem you worthy of an imaginary prize? How?? Paano? Apay?) When the talk ended, I thought I had imagined the whole thing. In fact, this paragraph is just a figment of your imagination.

The third lecture was on near earth asteroids (NEA) and how to deflect them. The next NEA event is sometime in 2029. Frankly, I couldn't care less if humans get an asteroid deflection system running by 2050. I'll be old and dying by then. What care I if an asteroid hits earth? Better for it to happen to kill off all those politicians and idiots (like Mike Defensor and Raul Gonzalez).

The fourth talk was on building carbon nanotube tethers from Earth to space stations. A proposal said to be feasible and would reduce the cost of sending objects into space. Fancy, but surely even if NASA charges $100000/kg of payload, the Chinese and the Kazakhs can also do it for a fraction of the price. In fact, Chinese rockets are so cheap they launched one last month, sent to hit and destroy an orbiting satellite. (This is the best demonstration of Star Wars so far and it pissed off the Americans because they all talked about it since the glorious 80s but never delivered. In fact, the Patriot missile defense system has NEVER intercepted anything, and this includes both Gulf Wars.)

Ah, and thank you to Youtube for letting us catch up with the latest Kris Aquino melodrama. I think I need to go to therapy after watching her make a mountain out of a molehill. "This is a private matter between me and my husband, but let me talk about it in public...." Arrgh!! My friend Alexandra S. tells me Kris is just staying in this marriage because her husband has a big penis. Well, it's not big enough to shut her mouth, innit? (And I don't want to be mean as I feel sorry for her and her baby due in two months.)

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit are transfixed to roadkill tv....

Finally, His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit made some dumplings from scratch which we devoured with gusto.

Hmm, I think I will open a carinderia....

Home cooked pulutan with Belle-Vue Cherry Beer. Yum.....