This Blog Has Been Endorsed by Gael

My favourite Mexican homie, Gael Garcia Bernal, and crazed genius Michel Gondry have gushingly endorsed my humble blog in their recent film La Science des rĂªves (The Science of Sleep). I nearly fell off my cinema seat last night when Gael described my blog in the opening sequence as a mandatory ingredient for experiencing wonderful dreams. Anyways, this film is whack and, like this web diary, it won't appeal to everyone but I loved it. (Warning: Since this is also a French film, it has no ending....)

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit and home cooked soul food - Bistek and miso soup

Aaaaanywho, this week, I've done lots of eating. It's quite obvious why I have a disgustingly unsexy belly. Thank God for my girls' basketball team who are growing stronger and quicker each day. If not for our intensive training sessions, I'd be looking like a Filipino Tongressman. I appreciate how they push me hard, physically and mentally, helping me bring sexy back. Someone said I should be ashamed of playing ball with girls, but then again......the benefits far outweigh the superficial embarrassment.....Kay sarap kayang mag pick and roll pag tsikababes yung nag-set ng screen....

Monday: Deep fried Panda meat.

Big fish.........


Thursday: Red, red, wine.....

....with Sukiyaki at G's. She's back from Libya and we were all excited. Lucky her! I really really want to go to Libya and see Leptis Magna and all those Roman ruins. Qaddafi are you listening? Sign my visa application already!

They're going to be depleted soon. Those Novi Ruskis from BlingKingsgrad are snorting it from every orifice...So might as well eat as much caviar as you can....