The Nashman Studies of Motion 006: Blue

The Nashman Bluer than Blue for the World Cup Final
Pre Match Stats: Les Bleus v. Gli Azzurri
The Nashman's girlfriends (past and present) are Italian: 3, French: 2, Francophone but not French: 2 Advantage: France
Holidays taken by The Nashman in France: 3, Italy 8 Advantage: Italy
Schengen Visas issued to the Nashman by France: 1, Italy 2 Advantage: Italy
The Nashman's Culinary Skills are French: 2, Italian 10 Advantage: Italy

Match Stats:
France 1: Italy 1 (aet)
Penalty: 5-3

Bittersweet ending for Zizou the Sorcerer who lost his cool.

I'm ambidextrous

And now, The Nashman's war paint.......

(Please send me pleasure by cyberfondling my tits with your mouse cursor. You know you want to.)

The Nashman's Right Nipple

The Nashman's Left Nipple

Someone's not going get a French Kiss anytime soon and maybe her tears will wipe that French tricolour from my right cheek but hey, Le piacerebbe ballare con me?