A Random Thought 01 (A no picture post)

I have nothing against body piercings or modifications. I guess it's normal to have this morbid wish that I had one of those hooks fishermen use for giant squid fishing while talking to someone with a nose ring. Oh the possibilites are endless! How convenient it must be for cannibals who stumble into a Goth Convention. Just tie a hook to a string and reel in those black-eyelined goths by the dozen. It'll be so easy that eventually you'd find a baby cannibal whining "Goth for dinner again?" Would cannibals take to eating those with tattoos? Would you like it if your roast pig had a tattoo of Miss Piggy on it's skin? It must be really tough for the cannibal who has been diagnosed with diabetes or heart disease. "I'm sorry, we have to limit and vary your meat intake." Diabetic cannibals might be asked to shift from the high cholesterol generic North American human meat, which is plentiful, to the lean anorexic model meat which is hard to get. And how does the cannibal society treat a cannibal who has decided to become vegetarian? Maybe, there will be big businesses selling tofu or meat substitute products to vegetarian cannibals. And just so vegetarian cannibals are not entirely excluded from cannibal society, these meat substitute products will be made to look like human torsos or limbs. What about criminal cannibals on death row? I guess there will be a premium placed on convicting young criminal cannibals as their flesh makes for more tender SPAM or hotdogs. Obviously, the cannibal society justice system will be swamped because the demand for this more tender meat from young criminal cannibals makes cannibal society a very litigous society with many false accusations being hurled about. Everyone will be asking for the death penalty for something as trivial as not taking the garbage out on Mondays. Maintaining the cannibal population would also be a very monumental task. At what age should cannibals eat their human supply so as to maximise the benefits? Would you eat a baby just after birth knowing that it provides only a small amount of meat and took nine months to gestate or feed it till up to a certain age such that you have enough supply beyond the time it takes to create another one? This becomes a complex Markov-chain Monte Carlo problem once you realise that you also need to feed your potential food with your food supply in a cannibal society.

Aargh, all these questions because of this person with a nose ring who came to talk to me today.