Ceeenco de Maa-yo.....

Looking over Doug's shoulder as he selects his shortlist for next week's Arts festival. The Order of The 'Nose has high standards you know. Anyways, I was more impressed with where the undergrads spent their Easter vacation to come up with these pictures. The african safari is still a popular gig as well as the trip to 'exotic' south/east asia. I was hoping those who did the Greenland expedition would release some pictures though...

One thing I highly regard about my adopted country is that normal police officers don't carry any guns. I hope it stays this way. Armed policemen are increasing in numbers though. Of course in backward provinces like, say, Abra, you'd definitely want to arm your policemen as they have crazy politicians out there.

There are some things a poor boy from the mean slums of Baguio like The Nashman finds bemusing. That trendy paper bag contains live mussels from the North. Shet, hende na ako bumibili sa palanque na plastic bag lang ang balot ha....The mussels were quickly given an honorable death with sherry and garlic and served as an appetiser...

...finger licking good! No french kissing tonight...but who cares! Sometimes I like to lick something that smells fishy but that I can eat..

PA/PR Gromit serves up some wicked PIMM's...

....to go with the barbeque of chicken, pork, and....

...fish, and talong....

His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem, PA/PR Gromit, and today's hosts....

...Himalaya the cat, x Squared the panda, and Humberto Felipe the Chicano Polar bear, wish you all a happy "Cinco de Mayo"....Big love and muchos besos to our galleon trade brothers and sisters in Mexico! Loveable brown Monkeys from Las Islas Filipinas, led by The Nashman, support your noble struggle to reclaim California and Texas back from the gringos. Guardar la Fe!

Look at the size of those 'shrooms in teriyake sauce! They were so delicious! They were also huuuuge. I guess a handful of Smurfs are suddenly homeless.