His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem turns 4

HRO Karl Willem chose to drink Oranjeboom for his birthday toast.

His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem turned 4 last Tuesday but the big official celebration will be in Buzios, Brasil late next month. Should you be in Rio de Janiero and its environs, give us a call and we'll pick you up. PA/PR Gromit got us a nice apartment next to the Briggitte Bardot beach.

HRO Karl Willem alternates his traditional quiet birthday lunch between Amsterdam and Stockholm but obviously, we are cutting down on our carbon footprint this year and opted instead to take the Number 69 morning train to London to go to a Dutch pub. (Yes, the 7:05 train from Oxbarrio to London Paddington is number 69).

De Hems is London's only Dutch pub. Many of the beers here are Flemish or Trappist.

Bitterballen, Dutch Pulutan containing the unmentionable innards of animals. Every culture has some weird food. Nothing like Balut though...

Saturday, HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit went for another rowing session. This time, going downstream for a picnic...

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit patiently wait for the Beast of Burnham.....

..The Nashman! Rower extraordinaire.

PA/PR Gromit proposes a champagne toast to HRO Karl Willem on the occasion of his 4th Birthday.

In other news, the Oxbarrio Orchestra held a performance aimed at Geeks. (Like me.)....

Movie themes! Starting From Russia with love, to the caped crusader, to boy wizards, to pirates, to saber-wielding jedis...

...and I must say that 3 of the violinists were hotness!!!! I had to go meet them after the performance. I wanted to see them fingering their instrument up close.....