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Before we continue our online diary...

1. Sarcasm, Metaphor, Satire, Catharsis = look up the meaning of these words before you send me hate mail.

2. Everything here is true. I engage with people, I talk to them, I observe them, I interact. Hence, a lot of exciting things happen to me.

3. If you think I'm crazy that's your opinion. As far as me and the little voices in my head are concerned this blog is our creative space. The Nashman is not an artist, nor a painter, nor a photographer. This online diary is our feeble attempt to express our creativity. If you disrespect HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit, you just don't get it. Pity you. Go drink Promil.

4. We do have a private life. Blogging is inherently narcissistic. Why should anyone blog if not for their inflated sense of self-importance? We admit some vanity but we'd like to keep some balance.
Porke ba laging contravida si Bella Flores ay ganun rin sya outside her profession??

5. You do NOT have to read this blog.

6. The Nashman hates Pope Benedict and thinks he is evil. He's not even a third of the man Pope John Paul was. There, I said it.

7. I vouch for every entry on this blog and won't delete any.

8. Go away.

., balik tayo sa ligaya....