We're going to miss our neighbours!!!!

We, The Nashman, His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem, and PA/PR Gromit, are sad to be moving out of the St. Cross Mansion and leaving our neighbours, the dead people of Holywell Cemetery.

We managed to compose ourselves for a very tearful goodbye.

We see dead people. HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit spent many quiet hours in this old graveyard. It's just so relaxing, and the natives are an amusing bunch. We like it best during a full moon. The shadows cast by the trees and the gravestones, the gentle night breeze, and the footsteps of the local wildlife stimulate our senses.

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit send email to Kenneth Grahame, author of The Wind in the Willows, one of the eminent and more recent tenants of this 18th century graveyard. Holywell Cemetery is perhaps one of the few resting places that has WiFi. It's refreshing to come here to hack one or two pages of The Nashman's thesis. I'm sure the dearly departed appreciate the ability to Twitter/Blog/Cybersex from their graves.

Where are HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit? We love playing a game of hide and seek here! There are so many places to hide! We'd spend hours and hours just messing about. We think the dead people enjoy our company so much that often, they follow us home for tea. Incidentally, in da Pelepens kong minamahal, there is a more lucrative version of this game called Hide Intsik. Basically, you take one Intsik, hide him away, make a phone call, and then wait. The game ends when you get a bag full of cash.

The graveyard also sustains our berry addiction!!! We come here to pick those very sweet and juicy wild berries! It's the circle of life at its finest! As you can see, PA/PR Gromit stretches out to pluck a handful of ripe berries, with a little bit of help from The Provost of Oriel College's headstone. Thank you sir.

HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit assure the locals that we will come visit them often as we will still pass by them during our daily cycle commute to the lab..