Sebastian Off to Da Pelepens

We have received wonderful news that Sebastian has safely arrived in the Philippines. Sebastian was sent by His Royal Orangeness Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit as their official envoy to a little Princess named Andi.

First, HRO Karl Willem and PA/PR Gromit had to give Sebastian an important briefing on Philippine currency. Manila's international airport, Ninoy Aquino International, is one of the most inefficient and corrupt airports on the face of the planet. (Maybe Ninoy is tossing in his grave for lending his name to such a place. But then again, he gave us Kris Aquino so I guess it's even.) It also has the most prohibitive travel tax system, airport officials charge you for everything. They also sell the most expensive bottled water in the world.

My advice to visitors to Manila is to leave the airport as quick as you can. The Philippines is a beautiful archipelago of 7,100 islands. Metro Manila is a shithole with very few redeeming qualities save for the warm hospitality of Filipinos.

Sebastian concentrates as PA/PR Gromit instructs him on the tipping etiquette. We do not condone unnecessary 'tipping' and should only be used in extreme cases. When an MMDA official or fat policeman stops you for no apparent reason, it's probably merienda time. If you can't intimidate him with a HMBAK look, chances are you're going to have to pay for his merienda.

HRO Karl Willem hugs Sebastian.

PA/PR Gromit gives a tearful goodbye.