Primetime Brit TV: MTRCB, watch and learn

Thursday night is pretty much the default day for screening sexthis, sexualitythat, sexetc, safesex... on Brit telly. And this is a well thought out schedule. Friday night is practicals day and so the Health and Safety quangos want as much safe sex information out on Thursday. One is spoilt for choice really.

Last night, I tuned to "A girl's guide to 21st sex" which is targeted for women, but duh, if you are a man, it would be in your best interests to watch too.

Of course, for this to have some air of scientific respectability, you need a cast of talking heads, presumably with medical degrees. Part 1 tonight tackled how to locate and stimulate the clitoris.

Meet 20 year old uni student. Oh how empowering it is to find your clit for the first time!

I suddenly have a craving for oysters.

The second part of the show tackled the best position for not-so-well endowed men. Having a micro-penis myself, I paid very close attention. Apparently, rear entry is advised for better g-spot stimulation. Bonobos prefer this position do all quadripeds.....

Now this is so cool. Images showing actual humping is still not allowed by TV regulators. However, this shot is more scientifically informative. It's the penis entering the vagina taken by a camera INSIDE the vagina. Now pay close attention to the walls of the vagina- it takes a swollen scrotal sac texture, that's a sign of pre-orgasmic bliss.

Yes, that's a rather very clinical cum shot inside the vagina. And now you know the rest of the story.....