Exposed! The Nashman's Transcript of Records from Saint Louis University

I'm tethering on the edge of semi-depression. I feel so old. I wonder how is it that I'm already middle aged with not much to show for it? Where and how did I mis-spend my youth?

Well, for a fact, I did a 5-year engineering undergrad degree where the first two years were basically a waste of time. (And no, I don't hate my old university.) We had pointless subjects such as Reserve Officer Training Corps (martsa martsa lang sa Athletic bowl as if this will protect the country), repetition of High School subjects such as Religion thisthat, English, and Filipino. Imagine we had such a subject as "Sociology of Religion with Family Planning"????? Go figure.

And the greatest missed opportunity was that I didn't get to finish my Electrical Engineering degree because the registrar refused to enroll me in two English subjects for one semester. I mean frigging come on! English! It's not as if the English requirements in the Department of Engineering were that demanding!

And contrary to popular belief, I was only a B+ student. SLU instructors are actually stingy and since we use a numeric system where 90 is already high, getting an A (94-97) is actually very difficult.

I would like to point out that I got an A- in Physical Education and it saddens me to remember that back then, I could do 40 push-ups per minute. My my, how the mighty have grown fat and lethargic.