Riskyu me.

Parang love, you'll find it where you least expect it.

Melissa, my housemate, set off the fire alarm last night just as I was about to fall into dreamland. She was making hitit a cigar which I declined earlier in the evening because it was not a proper Cuban. (Mukha ba akong unsophisticated? I only smoke the real thing. Kung hindi rin lang Cohiba or Romeo y Julieta yung tabako bakit ko susunugin baga ko?) And because the caretaker (yes, we have a caretaker, it's not called The Mansion for nothing, innit?) is away on vacation, no one knew what the access codes were for the security system. So the alarm wailed and wailed and wailed and we stood outside in the cold in near nakedness (parang ang tanga namin ano dahil wala naman talaga sunog at we can go in to get thicker clothes pero nakakabingi talaga yung alarm) until not only did a university security team arrive but also a huge red firetruck, lights a-blazing carrying proper fireman. (Sayang Ashley, wala ka dito. Alam kong fetish mo ang malalaking men in uniform). Yun pala 1234 lang ang security code to reset it. Ay gaddit.