Last Night's Prime Time Viewing....

Why watch crappy shows like Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Heroes, or god forbid that awful awful Gray's Anatomy, when you can watch more compelling reality shows like this......

First, the doctors peel off the penile shaft, saving much of the scrotal sac...

The urethra is realigned, and the sac is pushed inside, forming the labia....

A few hours later, a new vagina!

The star of the show, Dr. Something-something...I'm wondering if she is transgender as well...

To keep the new vagina open, the new woman needs to practice dilating it three times a day with a whole set of phallic probes of varying sizes...

The new woman, trying out the thinnest probe...

...and she's now a woman! Her lesbian lover is happy!

Being a lesbian myself, I pondered if I too should lose my penis and get a vagina. But maybe not. I think my lesbian lovers don't mind that I have a penis. I think they find it funny when it spits.....(Incidentally, I wonder what they do with the testicles? Make it into prosthetic eye balls perhaps?)